Monday, March 28, 2011

How to make your aquarium

If you are an admirer of the aquarium you may think that to make sea water aquarium will surely make your pockets drained away ..., but if we are good at sorting and of course often diligent search for information of course we can all News.

Presenting a fantastic sea view into the favorite room in the house will certainly be aternatif to relieve stress. to start this hobby takes perseverance and our willingness to set aside time to take care of our aquarium regularly.

Construction of container depends on the design of the aquarium that will be done based on the desired shape aquarium. Form which is used as an aquarium fish culture containers include rectangular aquarium, aquarium trapezoid, parallelogram eight aquarium, aquarium-six terms, aquariums and aquarium bottles ellipse.

After planning the aquarium glass to be made, the next step will determine the size of the glass used to make the aquarium. The size of the glass to be used generally ranges from 3 mm - 16 mm. As reference in making an aquarium, the size of the glass to be used can be seen as follows.
• Glass Thickness (mm) 3, the length of the aquarium (cm) 30, aquarium Width (cm) 20, High aquarium (cm) 20
• Glass Thickness (mm) 3, the length of the aquarium (cm) 30, aquarium Width (cm) 20, High aquarium (cm) 20
• Glass Thickness (mm) 3, the length of the aquarium (cm) 40, width of the aquarium (cm) 20, High aquarium (cm) 30
• Glass Thickness (mm) 3, the length of the aquarium (cm) 50, aquarium Width (cm) 30, High aquarium (cm) 30
• Glass Thickness (mm) 5, the length of the aquarium (cm) 70, width of the aquarium (cm) 35, High aquarium (cm) 35
• Glass Thickness (mm) 3, the length of the aquarium (cm) 80, width of the aquarium (cm) 40, High aquarium (cm) 40

For the glass to be used as a basis aquarium plus 0.5 to 1 mm thickness. After determining the shape and size of the glass which will be used to make the aquarium the next step is to cut glass. Glass used to make the aquarium is in the form of sheet glass.

Assembly aquarium
In making the aquarium, there are several things that must be controlled so that the aquarium is made does not leak and durable, with; design / aquarium design, cut glass, assemble and test aquarium to aquarium.

Tools and material that is:
• As an ingredient in the manufacture of glass.
• Brace the paper as a means to clamp a small piece of glass between \
• as a glass cutter glass cutter
• Glue glass, silicon glue used is a special glue to glue the glass to be attached properly and not leaking.
• Tool silicon glue gun, serves to facilitate the assembling aquarium manufacturer aquarium.
• Duct Tape, used in the aquarium should assemble plastic tape that is brown or black. This tape serves to assist the establishment of glass with other glass so as not to facilitate the administration to shift the glass glue.
Aquarium that will be assembled, the first step to do is to prepare the glass as the main manufacture base of the aquarium. . There are some in cutting glass include:
• Put a sheet of glass on the desk, the desk should be in a flat and clean. This is to avoid cracking the glass to be used.
• The size of the glass to be cut is adjusted to the shape of aquarium that will be made. In making the pieces of glass, sheet glass pattern was made in advance using the markers and metal ruler. Pattern is formed can be immediately deducted.
• To use a glass cutting tool glass cutter
• After the cut glass, the edges of the pieces of glass must be smoothed by grinding or karborondum whetstone.
That will be assembled into a glass aquarium is already in the form of pieces of glass that size is adjusted to the size of the aquarium that will be made. Before the assembled glass polishing should be done by using a whetstone or grinding karborundum, it is intended that the aquarium is made is not harmful to the wearer. Glass that has been smoothed all the edges with a grinder is ready to be assembled.
Method of Practice
Practice methods on how to make the aquarium:

making aquarium
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• Prepare tools and materials to be used
• Cutting the glass sheet in accordance with the desire. Rub the edges of the glass pieces with a whetstone or gurinda to smooth the sharp edges of glass.
• Smooth the tip of the glass by glass pieces. Furthermore the glass surface, especially the area of ​​the surface to be bonded cleaned of various impurities.
• Attaching glue glass (silicon glue) on the field meeting kaca.lem piece of glass.
• When the glue is mounted with glass either side of a small bias diasang.
• The other side can then be installed.
• After all the glass paste, keep their positions by using the "plaque" band. Allow the glue to dry condition
• After the inside of the joints between the glass is coated with glue necessary, to prevent any possible leakage due to imperfect adhesion before. Do this carefully so that the end result is neat but powerful. \
When required, the inside and the glass can be reinforced with a piece of glass in such a way. Glass amplifier can also serve as decoration
At the time of the glue stick to the glass should be the thickness of silicon glue on the entire surface of the glass together. This will make the same thickness of glue on each corner. After all assembled into the aquarium glass, the next step is to dry the aquarium for at least 24 hours for the silicone glue to dry completely.
The last step in assembling the aquarium is carried out tests on the aquarium. The tests carried out by filling water into the tank for 24 hours and see if there are parts that leak.

Tips and tricks expands Nanoreef Aquarium Hobby:

1. Always replace the sea water at least 10% every week.

2. Do not rush to enter into the organism because the aquarium marine aquarium takes the process to the process of recycling (recycle) of at least 20 days.

3. supplements notice that you add into the aquarium, try not too excessive.

4. note the temperature of the water, try not to exceed the max limit of 28 degrees Celsius, if necessary add a small fan.

5. without the chiller and skimmer aquarium you could survive the turn of the new water you run the routine.

6. careful in buying an aquarium inhabitants.

source : bunaken sea world | Andrtyas : pembuatan akuarium
How to make aquarium video
Rating: 4.0
Posted by: Treat Fish Treat Fish, Updated at: 7:56 PM

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tips on Clownfish Care and Spawning

Tips on Clownfish Care and Spawning

By Stephen J Broy

Clownfish are classified to the family Pomacentridae. The clownfish is among a group of species commonly referred to as damselfish. There are 28 recognized species of clownfish. Of those, 27 belong to the genus Amphiprion. Clownfish are native to both the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Their natural habitat includes the Great Barrier Reef and the Red Sea.
The color palette varies among clownfish depending on the species. They can be found in orange, reddish orange, maroon, yellow or black. Most species have the characteristic white bars with black trimming on their bodies for which they are named. These white and black stripes contrasting against the fish's body color make them look as if they are wearing a clown costume. Clownfish grow from 4-6 inches depending on the species. Their lifespan ranges from 3-6 years.
Clown fish are well known for the symbiotic mutualism they share with the sea anemone. The co-evolution of these two animals makes for one of the most interesting symbiotic relationships found in nature. Sea anemones are highly toxic to most marine life. This exotic creature paralyzes its prey with powerful neurotoxins. It then uses it tentacles to draw the prey into its gastrovascular cavity for digestion. This singular cavity functions as both a mouth and an anus. The digestive process results in semi-digested matter floating around the immediate vicinity of the anemone. Clownfish ingests this matter as a source of protein. They then excrete fecal matter which is an additional source of protein for the anemone.
Clownfish have a mucus membrane surrounding their bodies that acts as a natural barrier against the anemone's poisonous nematocysts. Scientific experimentation has resulted in the death of clownfishes exposed to these neurotoxins after being stripped of their protective mucus. This mucus allows the clownfish to seek shelter from predation within the protection of the anemone's tentacles. It is common for the clownfish to remain within 2-4 inches of its host for its entire lifetime. This symbiosis has lead to clownfish being commonly called an anemonefish.
Clownfish are hardy and docile creatures. They make an excellent choice for amateur aquarists. They are also the perfect addition to a marine reef tank. Maintaining sea anemones presents more of a challenge. Fortunately for the beginner, clownfish can be kept without their natural host animals present. Just make sure to provide them with adequate hiding places and avoid mixing them with more aggressive species and you will be fine. Once you become more experienced you can choose to add an anemone to your aquarium. Make sure to check for compatibility with your local fish store or online retailer. Individual species of clownfish are compatible with different sea anemones.
Despite their demean nature, clownfish will exhibit territorial behavior toward other clownfish, especially clownfish of the same species. It is best to keep a single clownfish or a pair.
Clownfish have been commercially bred in captivity. When purchasing any fish that can be bred in captivity you want to buy captive-born rather than a fish caught in the wild. You will have a happy, healthier fish that is much more likely to acclimate to its new surroundings. And tank bred fish are generally more disease resistant than their wild counterparts.
Clownfish are omnivorous. A clownfish raised without the presence of a sea anemone can be fed vitamin enriched brine shrimp, or zooplankton in combination with marine frozen foods formulated for omnivores.
Spawning Clownfish Unlike most hermaphroditic fish species clownfish are sequential hermaphrodites. All clownfish are born as males as opposed to protogyny hermaphrodites who are always born as females. If there are two clownfish in an aquarium together the larger more dominant of the two will transform into a female.
You will want to use a breeding tank if you are attempting to breed clownfish couple in captivity. Place a piece of pvc pipe in the bottom of your aquarium floor to be used as a breeding chamber. Eggs will be deposited either on the bottom of the pipe or on the surface of a flat rock near by. The fry will hatch 6-10 days later.
Newly hatched fry are very small. They should be fed rotifers until they mature. Once they get a little larger they can be fed newly hatched brine shrimp or powdered dry food.
The hottest new trend in saltwater aquarium ownership is pet jellyfish. Jellyfish can't be kept in a traditional saltwater tank setup. They need a specially designed Jellyfish Aquarium Fish Tank to remain alive and healthy. Jellyfish tanks don't require the constant upkeep normally associated with saltwater aquariums. Moon Jellies are the most popular jellyfish for home aquariums because of their exotic beauty and ease of care. Find out more about Moon Jellyfish and other Pet Jellies. Jellyfish are among the most interesting creatures in the aquatic kingdom.

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Rating: 4.0
Posted by: Treat Fish Treat Fish, Updated at: 11:47 PM

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cultivation Oscar Fish

Oscar fish Pictures, Images and Photos
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Oscar fish (Astronatus Ocellatus) is a species of freshwater fish from the river Amazon, Panama, Paraguay and the Rio-Negro-Tio South America, and are distributed throughout the world. These fish can already be developed in Indonesia.

Oscar fish have interesting shapes and colors. Blackish body color with reddish yellow batik motif. This fish requires special treatment in pengembangbiakannya way, so it is difficult to be cultivated.


Selection of Parent

1) Parent that is suitable for the breeding should have 1.5 to 2 years old, with body length reaching 15 cm and 10cm high, and brightly colored.

2) Parent selection can be started at the age of juvenile fish (5-6 months) by mixing 5 males and 5 females. This oscar fish will find their own partners. After each pair, then separate in the tub itself to be a parent.

Differences in male and female
Male ParentFemale Parent
- Body relatively longer- Parent who has done his stomach looks bloated
- Genital more prominent- Larger hole sex


1. Like a marriage can be made of cement a 1.5 x 1 x 0.5 m3, then filled with water that has been deposited for 12-24 hours with a height of 30-40 cm. If the marriage tub area, sealing can be done.

2. A pair of oscar parent who has entered a mature egg for spawning each tub.

3. At each given a flat stone bathtub, preferably dark, and the top of the vessel is closed to the atmosphere seemed dim.

4. These fish usually spawn in the afternoon and evening immediately fertilized by the males.

5. Eggs that are above the flat rock after fertilization, can be lifted to be moved into the aquarium for hatching. Aquariums are used should be sized 70 x 40 x 40 cm3 and a height of 10 cm filled with water to eggs that come from the parent pair.

6. The aquarium is supplied air bubbles (aeration) with the weak force.

7. After three days usually begin to hatch eggs. Water should be given a mixture of liquid methylene blue to prevent fungus covered eggs.


These fish until the age of four days should not be fed, because they still consume the egg yolks. Feeding during this period will only pollute the water and can cause disease.

On day five, the seeds can be fed rotifers or tiny shrimp. Feeding should be quite frequent as the cannibalistic nature of these fish (prey on each other).

On day ten seed was given to water fleas that have been filtered.

When she was 2 weeks, the seeds begin without filtered water was given lice da hair started to try to speed up the worm given magnification.

Seeds can be moved to a larger tub after the age of 25 days.


Enlargement can be done after the seed was 25 days.

Seeds that can be generated from one-time hatching approximately 1000-3000 birds.

Bak used should be a 2 x 1 x 1 m3 and filled with water as high as 20-25 cm.

For the first time enlargement, seed can be spread around 300 fish.

To reduce the heat of the sun during the day, in a bath of water given plants like water hyacinth and hidrilla verticillata. To prevent the entry of too much rain, the pool can be closed zinc with plastic.

Food can be given the hair worm.

After the fish aged 5-6 months, then be selected as a parent. Food provided was replaced with shrimp or shrimp rebon time surviving.

Parent pair can produce 1000 to 4000 eggs once spawning.

To produce a beautiful color on oscar fish, feeding should contain calcium (chitine) which starts from childhood, such as water fleas, rotifers, hair worms, Artemia, shrimp or shrimp rebon times.

Good luck. (RAD)
SOURCES / REFERENCES : 1. Fisheries Agency of DKI Jakarta, 1996
2. Brosur Informasi Dinas Perikanan Propinsi DKI Jakarta
3. Rating: 4.0
Posted by: Treat Fish Treat Fish, Updated at: 10:57 PM

Sunday, March 6, 2011

African butterfly fish life

African Butterfly Fish Pictures, Images and Photos
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African Butterfly Fish (Pantodon buchholzi) These fish are small with a body length not exceeding 13 cm and has a fairly wide pectoral fins. is a unique fish found in the Congo river and the river Niger in West Africa. This pectoral fins look like wings of a butterfly when viewed from above. These fish have eyes and mouth are trained to hunt their prey at the water surface

The less attractive they are colored green with a slight brownish-gray color. African butterfly fish are tropical fish that can survive a temperature range of 23 - 300C and pH 6 to 7.5. Fins are transparent in color and sometimes there is a ring of dark and pale, while the pectoral fins blackish with white edges. Black pattern also extends from the top of the head through the eye to the upper jaw.

Because the African butterfly fish food are carnivores (insectivores ) and is a specialist hunter on his favorite surface is insects and small fish. Sometimes he also jumped out of the water to hunt their prey. In addition, the African butterfly fish are also able to breathe by taking air directly on the water surface.
freshwater african butterfly fish
image source :

Differences in male and female fish are located on the back edge of the fin anal, the male and the female generally convex shape of straight.
Breeding techniques is not easy but it has to be done in a tank scale. Water conditions for breeding should be slightly acidic with a pH 6 to 6.5 and a temperature of 77 - 780F. Initially males will chase females among the water plants and then the male will clamp the female in the fins.
Egg-laying process will occur within a few days by the number of eggs 100 grains per day. The eggs will float on the surface of the water, because fish is not the kind of parent guards the eggs should be separated into another tank. The eggs will hatch after 3-4 days, the seedlings were raised because the fish is difficult to require a very small live food.
Microworm not be used as a food fish newly hatched chicks, puppies are usually very small shrimp that can be used as an alternative. Fish seedlings are very sensitive to changes in water quality so that these things need to be controlled. reference [ZA fish action] Rating: 4.0
Posted by: Treat Fish Treat Fish, Updated at: 8:02 PM


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